Saturday, January 18, 2020
Outline the Current Legislation and Organisational Requirements
Outline the current legislation and organisational requirements that governs(a) reporting, recording and confidentiality(b)health and safety(c)risk management(d)recording/reporting compliments and complaints(e) dealing with suspicions of disclosure of danger, harm and abuse. (ref. HSC22 q4. HSC21 q 4,5. Reporting, recording and confidentiality – The Data Protection Act 1998 relates to information held about an individual. This includes medical records or social services files – anything which is personal data (facts and opinions about an individual).All information, however it is stored, is subject to the rules laid down in the Act. Anyone processing personal data must comply with the eight principles of good practice. The Data must be: 1. Fairly and lawfully processed 2. Used for limited purposes 3. Not excessive but adequate and relevant 4. Not kept for longer than necessary 5. Accurate 6. Kept secure 7. processed taking into account the individuals rights 8. Not tran sferred to another country that cannot maintain the confidentiality of the information.Individuals are entitled to see information about themselves, but they cannot see any part of their record which relates to someone else. Individuals are entitled to be told if any personal information is held about them. Health and safety – The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) is the UK government body responsible for enforcing health and safety at work legislation. The HSE also plays a major role in producing advice on health and safety issues, and guidance on relevant legislation. The role of enforcement is split between HSE and local authorities depending on the business sector.In addition, HSE conducts research into the effectiveness of regulations and other health and safety issues, consults with employers and employees representatives, and advises legislators and government on health and safety. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Often referred to as HASAW or HSW, this Act of Parlia ment is the main piece of UK health and safety legislation. It places a duty on all employers â€Å"to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work†of all their employees.Risk Management – This Risk Management Standard is the result of work by a team drawn from the major risk management organisations in the UK – The Institute of Risk Management (IRM),The Association of Insurance and Risk Managers (AIRMIC) and ALARM The National Forum for Risk Management in the Public Sector. In decision making, there's usually some degree of uncertainty, which inevitably leads to risk. By evaluating the risk involved with various options, you can determine whether the risk is manageable. Risk analysis helps you look at risks objectively.It uses a structured approach for assessing threats, and for evaluating the probability of events occurring – and what they might cost to manage. An organized and systematic decision-making process u sually leads to better decisions. Without a well-defined process, you risk making decisions that are based on insufficient information and analysis. Many variables affect the final impact of your decision. However, if you establish strong foundations for decision making, generate good alternatives, evaluate these alternatives rigorously, and then check your decision-making process, you will improve the quality of your decisions.Recording/reporting compliments and complaints – My aim is to listen to and act on the views and concerns of Individuals and to encourage discussion and action on issues raised before they develop into problems and formal complaints. My management welcome comments and suggestions from Individuals and their representatives, friends and relatives. Positive comments help to build on successes, but we can also learn from comments which are critical. It is best to look into all comments or complaints as quickly as possible and to provide a satisfactory resp onse.Dealing with suspicions of disclosure of danger, harm and abuse – Information about abuse I suspect, or situations I am working with which are ‘high risk’, must be recorded after being reported to my supervisor. My supervisor will be responsible for passing on the information, if necessary. Sometimes my information may need to be included in an individual’s plan of care or personal records, particularly if I have noticed a change in the way he or she is cared for, or if his/her behaviour could be an ‘early warning’ that the care team need to be especially observant.My workplace may have a special report form for recording causes for concern. If not, i should write my report, making sure I include the following: †¢What happened to make me concerned †¢Who I am concerned about †¢Whether this links to anything I have noticed previously †¢What needs to happen next I should discuss my report and my concerns with my superviso r and colleagues. I must report anything unusual that I notice, even if I think it is too small to be important. It is the small details which make the whole picture. Teamwork and good communication are vitally important.
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